Preparing for Delta Module One

In the twelve weeks before the exam, you need to spend some time preparing every day. On this page, you'll find a daily question relevant to one or more of the tasks on the two papers, some suggested reading for the day and, if you scroll down, the suggested answer to the question.

This will change every day, and any that you miss will not be available afterwards. Schedule a specific time each day to deal with them and if you have a particularly busy day, just take a couple of minutes to copy them so that you can catch up later.


Today's Question

Describe the difference in attitude to fluency practice between the audiolingual method and the communicative approach. What attitude does each take towards it and why? (Relevant to Paper 2/2 and 2/3 - Assumptions and beliefs)

Today's Reading and Viewing - Methodology

Jack Richards on the difference between a method and an approach

Scott Thornbury on Methods  Video 4 mins

A Trip down the Memory Lane of Methodology (British Council Webinar approx 61 mins). A great review of all the methodologies you need to know about. Make time for it.

Today's Question - Suggested Answer

AL = It was to be avoided. Fluency work would inevitably lead to error/mistakes which would reinforce incorrect habits and therefore be detrimental to learning.

CA = It is necessary.  Learners need practice in communicating with all the language at their disposal if they are to become proficient users.